March 5, 2019

Poets Pages

Overview – Poets

YTHS Haiku and Haiga Poets’ Pages

For this feature of the website, each member of the Society can provide up to ten haiku, and/or seven haiga for presentation. The study of the poems and photos/art will allow viewers to appreciate the tenor and range of YTHS haiku and haiga.

Each member is invited to submit, by email or post, haiku and haiga for inclusion on the website under the poet’s name. Poets may choose, from their whole corpus, works that they would be happy to share with YTHS members and web viewers. For more guidelines and details, see the Haiku Poets’ Pages and the Haiga Poets’ Pages.

Poets in Memoriam Pages

This recent feature of the website invites members of the Society to eulogize former members and/or notable haiku poets who have passed on. Stories of their life, their relationship to YTHS, and some of their poetry can be submitted. For examples, see the Poets In Memoriam page.